AtlantoVib :device for Atlas correction

We have patented the AtlantoVib device, designed to realign the Atlas and relax the entire body’s musculature, promoting an unprecedented myofascial release. The most important innovation: AtlantoVib is the only massage device that simultaneously uses the principles of resonance and modulation. In 2025, after more than two years of development by Alfredo Lerro, the AtlantoVib X is finally available, accompanied by the autonomous massager BalaVib.

What Is Resonance?

Resonance is a well-known mechanical phenomenon in physics. When a body is subjected to a vibration at the right frequency, it amplifies, generating self-oscillation within the body itself.

Every solid body has a specific resonance frequency, depending on its physical properties: material type, weight, consistency, shape, and dimensions.

Only by applying the correct specific frequency can resonance be induced in a body.

The resonance frequency allows for maximum oscillation amplitude and optimal energy transfer, making this phenomenon particularly effective for reaching and stimulating deep muscles. This stimulation also affects connective tissues, improving mobility and reducing adhesions. Although the human body is not a solid body in the strict sense, muscles respond optimally to certain frequencies, producing an effect similar to resonance.

Tests conducted by Atlantomed have identified the resonance frequencies to which various muscle layers respond best. Since muscles vary in length, volume, and tone, there is a wide range of specific frequencies for each muscle type.

AtlantoVib, taking these differences into account, generates cyclically variable frequencies that the Atlantomed specialist can adjust personally. This approach ensures a significant improvement in the efficiency and speed of muscle relaxation.

No significant negative effects have been observed from exposing the human body to mechanical vibrations, provided certain limits are not exceeded. In this regard, examples such as the vibrating platform Galileo and the following study may be considered.

Resonance massage Representation of the resonance principle
Graphical representation of massage with mechanical vibrations


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What Are the Benefits of Treatment with AtlantoVib ?

AtlantoVib, while being an extremely powerful and effective device, is also particularly quiet, helping to make the massage session more pleasant and relaxing, a crucial aspect considering its proximity to the ears.

Thanks to the use of muscle resonance, instead of merely generating simple vibrations, AtlantoVib enables significantly greater muscle relaxation. This allows for much more satisfying results within the same treatment time.

The following represents an innovative discovery in muscle physiology, rarely found elsewhere.

The contractile unit that makes up the muscle tissues responsible for supporting and moving the skeleton is called the sarcomere.

Operating principle of the sarcomere and relaxation of muscle fibers
Operating principle of the sarcomere

Prolonged muscle tension induces a hysteresis cycle* in the extension of the sarcomeres. In practice, some of the body's supporting muscles shorten, causing a deterioration in posture and an intensification of pain. The causes of this phenomenon and its consequences are explored on the Atlantomed website.

Graphical representation of the hysteresis cycleRepresentation of the hysteresis cycle

* What Is the Hysteresis Cycle?

Once a muscle contracture has developed, especially if it persists for a long time, even if the muscle is relaxed, it will tend to remain shortened due to a "memory effect". This effect prevents the muscle from returning to its natural extension.

Anatomical literature often mentions hardened muscles and increased muscle tone but rarely delves into the mechanisms behind this phenomenon. Even more concerning is the lack of definitive solutions, apart from common massages or muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatory drugs with temporary effects.

The resonance and modulation produced by AtlantoVib can make the sarcomeres oscillate with sufficient amplitude to erase the "memory effect". This cancels the hysteresis cycle, allowing the muscle to return to its original length. This effect cannot be induced by manual massages or other forms of therapy or manipulation. In practice, it results in a "reset" of the residual muscle tension.

The musculature relaxes so deeply that significant postural changes can be observed immediately after the session. The speed at which this occurs is surprising, provided that the muscle's resonance frequency is correctly targeted. The result surpasses anything you may have experienced before.

AtlantoVib, with its cyclically variable frequencies, reaches all muscles, from the largest to the smallest, including the most tense and deep ones.

The major advantage of AtlantoVib in combination with BalaVib is their ability to effectively reach even the deepest structures, practically inaccessible with other massage methods. The vibrations spread throughout the entire body, permeating every area.

To illustrate the power of these tools, it can be said that placing them at any point along the spine generates a wave that travels back and forth across the entire spine, from the sacrum to the skull. The perceived effect is a continuous movement of the tools, even though they remain stationary at the same point.

Although the devices are placed on the back, thanks to the frequency alternation and modulation, the vibration extends to the sternum, passing through the body and the massage table. The resonance effect is so intense that, in some spaces, vibrations propagate through the environment, generating standing waves audible in other rooms.

For thoroughness, we want to emphasize that if unresolved disruptive factors are present, muscle contractures may reappear over time. For this reason, it is essential to investigate and resolve the primary cause that generated the muscle contractures and skeletal imbalance, rather than simply relieving the muscle tension, which is merely a consequence. Atlas misalignment is one of the possible causes and is often found to be the determining factor.

Deep muscle massage produces the initial benefits, while Atlas correction develops them over the long term.

AtlantoVib X: 2025 Evolution in Atlas Correction and Massage

The innovative AtlantoVib 4 device, with vibro-resonance technology for massage and Atlas correction, has made another evolutionary leap, creating a new generation of unparalleled devices: AtlantoVib X.

The difference from the previous model is so significant that it justifies skipping directly from the fourth to the tenth model to properly reflect the progress achieved. Each component was meticulously redesigned from scratch over two years of development, with each element revised dozens of times to get closer and closer to perfection.

Manufactured with top-quality materials used in the aerospace sector, AtlantoVib X redefines standards in Atlas treatment. The therapist using AtlantoVib X experiences unmatched comfort, precision, and sensitivity during correction. The user experience is so advanced that once tested, no one wants to return to previous tools, highlighting the significant gap in performance and practicality.

  • Minimalist wireless design: elimination of the cumbersome power cable through the introduction of an internal interchangeable battery, ensuring at least two days of continuous professional use.
  • Total redesign: fully renewed device based on the valuable experience accumulated over the years. The control unit has transitioned from analog to digital with expanded functionality. Thanks to the miniaturization of electronics, the control unit has been directly integrated into AtlantoVib X.
  • Improved ergonomics: optimized handle for better control of the instrument. Reduced distance between the hand and the working area to enhance precision.
  • New set of tips: the right tip for every situation. A completely renewed and expanded set of tips for more efficient and effective treatment. Tip changes are now easier and faster.
  • Advanced technology: vibro-resonance and modulation management handled by a microcontroller. Intuitive controls through a next-generation AMOLED touch display.
  • Further noise reduction: advanced technologies for ultra-quiet operation, providing an even more comfortable experience for both the client and the therapist.
  • Greater power and precision: active and passive mechanisms to contain return vibrations, enabling more powerful massages and more precise corrections.
  • Monitoring function: continuous monitoring of the device's pressure curves, a feature previously available only during training, now integrated into the AtlantoVib X model. The therapist can monitor parameters and pressure curves in real-time directly on the screen, achieving more precise and sensitive corrections.

In summary, every aspect of AtlantoVib X has been redesigned without compromise to maximize efficiency and comfort for both the client and the therapist. AtlantoVib X is not only a significant technological advancement in its field but also an indispensable ally for industry professionals, created to further elevate the standard of Atlas correction.

Massage with AtlantoVib X

Not All Massages Are the Same

The AtlantoVib device is used in combination with BalaVib to achieve three simultaneous massage points at different locations, significantly increasing effectiveness through frequency modulation.

This innovation offers a considerable benefit to the person undergoing treatment. Even the most persistent and long-standing muscle contractures can be effectively eliminated, contractures that even multiple cycles of traditional massages or other treatments would fail to resolve.

Only after a complete and effective relaxation of the musculature is it possible to reliably assess the incorrect position of the first vertebra and proceed with its realignment. Without adequate preparation of the cervical muscles, the manual examination can be unreliable, with a high margin of error.

This explains why few manual therapists treat the Atlas vertebra, despite its correct alignment being crucial: they simply do not have the tools or techniques required to intervene effectively, which is why they tend to ignore the issue or limit themselves to mild and ineffective treatments.

The difficulties and frequent relapses observed with other methods aimed at the Atlas stem from insufficient muscle preparation. When cervical muscles are too rigid and the therapist lacks adequate tools, the results are often unsatisfactory.

The AtlantoVib device, combined with BalaVib, is the key to effectively relaxing even the most tense muscles, releasing connective tissue fascia, and performing a truly effective Atlas correction.

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